After a year of nursing or 6 months not nursing, women lost their WIC benefits. The basic requirements of WIC are that you must be a low-income prenant, breast-feeding, or postpartum woman with children up to the age 5 living with nutritional risk in your household. Hip hip hooray! “ am likely to be eligble” and “ should apply!” when I get a chance. So after spending a long time fabricating my family of Jonny (1 yrs/old), Harvey (3 yrs/old), and Mikey and Bevis (6 yrs/old), and answering questions about my fake income, taxes, health care, child care, social security, alimony, assets, disabilities, and more, I was left with a disappointing message. Unlike North Carolina, Florida’s SNAP and WIC programs do not tell you how much money you will receive to spend each week. I already ran into problems when trying to screen my eligibility through SNAP and WIC. I decided to simulate the life of a single mother of four boys living off $1200/mo and WIC (Women, Infants, Children) and SNAP (Supplemental Nutritonal Assistance Program) benefits in Florida. WIC-Checks Out (almost): A Study in State and Vendor Policies in Florida